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Vakigrad is on a philanthropic mission

Equality and empowerment through advertisement


ith Vakigrad we want to push the boundaries of fashion advertisement in what it means to be a woman or man. We believe in portraying the woman as the intellectual and sensual human being. And we believe in portraying the man as the intelligent and modern man who is not less of a man if he has a sensitive side - it just means he is human.


The models in the fashion industry have problems with recognizing themselves on the pictures taken by photographers for fashion brands. We do not support unnatural retouch of human bodyparts in our visuals. We like to show our models natural curves, and they can recognize themselves in our pictures. 


You will never see advertising from Vakigrad where the woman is laying on the floor with a bag in her hand, looking at you with a sexual glaze, there are just too many of those.


Evoking equality and empowerment of people through advertisement is our way of working with fashion visuals in the sustainable luxury sector- and we would love it if other companies in the industry would join us.

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